
Frequently Asked Questions

We use LinkedIn sales navigator, seamless AI, hoover, google research, manta, Yellowpages, yelp, etc.


For email validation, We keep trust in Mailtester, Neverbounce, Name2email, and our own manual methods.

Yes, We will provide you all valid leads for sure.

Yes. For any big project, we are willing to give you a discount.

Yes, We have Premium subscriptions on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Neverbounce, Hunter.io,Snov.io, Crunchbase Pro, ContactOut, and many more advanced tools.

You will get almost zero bounce rate, however, if you get any bounce then we are here to recollect them again.

Yes, If there is any bounce email we will replace bounce email with valid and bounce-free email.

Yes of course. If you feel unhappy after getting a report just inform us. We will refund you.

Leads will include First Name, Last Name, Title, Company name, Industry, Area, Country, Linkedin profile link, and DIRECT email address (verified).

You can contact us and we can quote you the price

Yes, 24/7. We are available here to have a discussion about the project. Let's talk!